Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ginger Snaps

Today Clara and I made gingersnaps! Clara even cracked the eggs! Not bad for a three-year-old. This is not just any recipe mind you. It's my great-grandmother's, my mother's grandma. My mom loved her grandmother so much. She talks about her now and then fondly and how much she loved her food and visiting her. Then the other day she talked about her grandmother's gingersnap cookies and how she always had a batch of cookies ready and as soon as they were out she'd whip up another batch. Mom even remembered the special spot they were kept just for the kids when they came over. What a great memory for my mom. Then I found the recipe. I was so excited! I even made them for my mom for Mother's day! The recipe is a little hard though just because my great-grandmother dosen't specify things. Like how much flour to use or how long to bake them. I think they turned out all right but I really do like recipes to be more specific then that.

Ginger Snaps - Vergie Rushton

1 cup sugar
1 cup lard-shortening (does anyone use lard anymore? Yuck!)
2 eggs
1 cup molasses

Mix, sugar, lard, and eggs, and then add molasses and the following:

1 tsp. vinegar
1 tsp. cinnamon (opt)
1 tbs. ginger
1 tbs. baking soda
Add flour to make dough stiff.

Chill 1 hour.

Make into balls, smash down with glass and sprinkle sugar on top. Bake at 350 until golden brown. (Note: They will go hard if cooked too long.)

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