Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh the things you can learn in a kitchen!

I have been busy lately with my own things. I've been onery with my children. I haven't liked how I sounded when I have spoken to them lately. I've been stressed and I've been selfish with my time. It's time to reprioritize and repent. I just need to revamp my schedule a bit so that even in a time crunch I can get some quality one on one time with the kids. Schedules are great, they really are the key to my life right now.
So I was thinking today about my children and what I want them to learn from me. Here's a bit of my list:
*I want them to know deep down how very loved they are, that no one and nothing in this world is more important to me than my children and my husband.
*I want them to have an unwavering testimony of the Savior and I want them to live their lives in a way that is pleasing to Him and in a way that will bring them true peace and happiness.
*I want them to be brave, to be leaders among their peers, to have confidence in their own abilities.
*I want them to love people and to continually serve those around them. I want them to be able to see the needs of others before their own.
*I want for them to not be so concerned about the material stuff.
*I want my children to be each other's best friend.
*I want them to have good memories of family togetherness.
*I want my children to enjoy being home.
*I want them to love learning and trying new things.

The list could go on and on but I've listed what's most important I think. As I thought about it I wondered how I could teach my children these things. Then I knew. The kitchen! We have had so many fun talks in the kitchen and we are always baking and cooking in there. It is one of our most favorite things to do together.

So, ta da da da! I'm introducing my new blog. Once or twice a week I'm going to share something new that the kids and I have whipped up in the kitchen. It will be scheduled pure uninterrupted mommy-daughters time and hopefully my son will pick up on the joy of cooking as he gets older. He's only 20 months old and right now all he wants is the beater when I'm done making the cookie dough.

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