Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fettucine Alfredo

Not the best picture I'll admit but super yummy. I'm actually posting this for my sister and my mom. They wanted the recipe and I needed something to post on here. We made this for my sister's birthday. Chicken Alfredo is one of her favorites. You pretty much always know what she's going to order when we go out to eat and you really can't blame her. I think this recipe is just as good as any resturants and it's not as fattening besides.
Fettucine Alfredo - Kraftfoods
8 oz fettuccine, uncooked
1 1/4 cups chicken broth
4 tsp flour
1/3 light cream cheese spread
3 tbs grated parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp pepper
2 tbs. chopped fresh parsley
Cook pasta as directed
Meanwhile, combine broth and flour in medium saucepan. Stir in cream cheese spread, 2 tbsp of the Parmesan cheese, the nutmeg and pepper; cook 2 min., stirring constantly with wire whisk until mixture boils and thickens.
Drain pasta. Toss with sauce. Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan cheese and parsley.

Cook of the year! This girl can smell me cooking! As soon as I get started on dinner or a dessert she comes running and has to do EVERYTHING by herself.


grammap said...

Michelle - this site is dangerous! Makes me hungry every time I log on. Is it wrong to have fettucine alfredo for breakfast?? Sounds good to me.

Michelle said...

I'm glad you like it. It's especially dangerous to me. I'm cooking all this bad-for-you food. I should be a warning label on the blog: "Beware, may cause unattractive widening of the abdomen."