So, wow, I'm so excited to have another bread recipe. This is a wheat bread recipe which is also very exciting, as I've only ever made white bread. It's actually another sourdough recipe but very good, go figure. I hope you enjoy as much as I have.
Please refer to previous post (Dollar Pancakes) for the instructions about sourdough.
Honey Gold Bread - Marie Reese
Set your sourdough batter the night before. in the morning stir and put 1 cup of starter back in your pot.
2 cups milk
2 tbls butter
1/4 cup honey
1 package active dry yeast
2 cups wheat flour
1/4 cup wheat germ
2 tbls sugar
2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
4 cups white flour
Scald milk; stir in butter and honey, then allow to cool until lukewarm. Add yeast and stir until dissolved. Add this mix to basic sourdough batter previously prepared. Add 2 cups wheat flour and wheat germ, stirring until well mixed. Blend sugar, salt and soda until smooth; sprinkle over top of dough and stir in gently. Set dough in a warm spot and cover with a cloth and let rise for 30 minutes. Stir down and add remaining flour until dough is too stiff to stir with a spoon. Turn out on floured board and begin to knead with your hands. (NOTE: Flour required may vary from quantity indicated -one must gauge the feel-rather too little than too much). Work in remaining flour, kneading with heels of hands about 100 times until dough is light and satiny to the touch. Do not knead too long or include too much flour, or the sponge will be heavy and dry. Break into sections, flour lightly, fold over and seal. Place in greased bread pans; pans should be half full. Grease top of loaves, set in warm spot and let double in bulk agian. Meanwhile preheat oven to moderately hot (400 degrees F). When loaves have risen, bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Then reduce temp to moderately slow (325 degrees F) and continue baking until bread shrinks from side of pans. When baked, loaves will give a hollow sound when thumped on top. Remove from oven, turn out on rack or towel on table and butter tops.